In this game, the player is tasked with collecting all the coins that have been spread out across the maze. As the player hits certain checkpoints, they get certain advantages such as the ability to jump (using space bar) with 5 coins and the ability to throw blocks (using the mouse click) at coins in the sky at 10 coins. The blocks are destroyed once they hit a coin so it is important for the player to reserve the blocks for the coins that are in the sky and not ones that can be accessed via regular walking or jumps. 

If the player attempts to use an ability before meeting the requirements, a text feature is displayed informing them that they need more coins. A countdown is displayed at the top of the screen to let the player know how many coins they have left to collect and once they are all collected, the particle effect is shown on the ending platform and only then can the game be complete. Once the player hits the ending platform, a complete game loop is presented where a button can be clicked to restart the game from scratch. The game utilizes a simple UI in the form of a score and feedback on the next ability that can be gained. 

Attributes: Code for Controller Grabbing attributed to John Bruneau 

Made by Masuma Somji & Sophie Zhang

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